Have you mastered the business of successful property investment?

If you can offer practical and proven advice on how to invest in property in Australia,  the UK or the United States contribute a chapter to our groundbreaking three edition book, Property Investment.

Property Investment offers real world advice and case studies on investing in property in Australia,  the UK or the United States.  Each edition of Property Investment is focused on investment strategies and advice in one of the regions.

If you would like to contribute a chapter to either Property Investment Australia, Property Investment UK or Property Investment USA we would like to hear from you.

Each edition of Property Investment covers topics such as the most common mistakes made when investing in property (and how to avoid them),  a guide to the regions constantly changing property market and its laws,  managing your properties and tenants, how to buy investment properties significantly below market value,  how to plan and undertake a thorough risk assessment, choosing your mortgage and property,  what type of property to buy to maximise your profit potential  and where the best places are to look for property to buy etc…

Each edition of Property Investment will be published as an ebook as well as a paperback and will be marketed through Amazon, The Property Investor site and selected book stores.   Each contributor will be credited for their chapter and we will also publish your bio as well as a link to your site.  If you would like to contribute to one of the Property Investment books click this link and fill in the contributor form.

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